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Get Bestowed With a Precious Baby With Our Best Treatment

Every woman wants to enjoy the most glorious period in their life-’the maternity’. Some face troubles
of the childless issue and some hindrances of getting pregnant. If you are one among them and
looking for the best gynecologist to get consulted for all your problems related to reproductive health,
just step ahead to our clinic. Jain Maternity & Infertility clinic is the best infertility clinic in Gurgaon, that is rendering best possible treatments and promises you for a healthy child.

What is infertility and what are the causes?
This is the inability to produce offspring even after unprotected sex for a period of twelve months.
Infertility is caused due to a variety of reasons in women such as hormonal imbalance, problems in
ovulation, or growth of benign polyps in ovaries, uterus and fallopian tube that blocks the development
of healthy egg to get fertilized. Similarly, in men, it is caused due to ejaculation disorders, infection,
undescended testicles and much more.
These problems of infertility put you in the situation of miseries and hopelessness that urges you both
to get an appropriate solution in the best clinic. Our clinic has world-class facilities and well-equipped
laboratories for procedures such as IVF(InVitro Fertilization), IUI(Intra-Uterine Insemination),
HSG(Hystero Salpino Graphy) and much more.

Treatment for Men
Treatment for men focusses mainly on correcting the male’s sex cell the sperm through medications and
Surgery. These include,
-A change in lifestyle with reduced usage of cigars and alcohol, discontinuing the usage of some
drugs, practicing regular exercise and increase the timing and frequency of intercourse.
-Taking medications When the diagnosis reveals any abnormality in sperm count, proper medications
have to be taken to increase the counts and quality.
-Performing Surgeries Some surgeries are recommended when there is a blockage in the pathway of
sperm production such that it fertility can be achieved. For instance, Variocele is performed that improves
the chance of pregnancy.
-Sperm retrieval process This procedure is done when ejaculation is a problem or no sperm is seen
in the semen. In this, techniques are incorporated in which healthy sperms are retrieved from your

Treatment for Women
-Ovulation induction drugs are recommended by your gynecologist to induce the process of ovulation
in your body, thereby restoring fertility.
-Intrauterine insemination (IUI) In this procedure healthy sperms from your partner are selected and
injected deeply into uterus region thereby increasing the chances of fertilization.
-Surgery to restore fertility In this method, endometrial polyps, intrauterine scar tissue, blockage in
fallopian tube are removed that can be treated using hysteroscopy.

With innovations in medicine, anything can happen in a matter of time. Forget all your problems related
to infertility and fix an appointment with our Senior Gynecologist and Obstetrician who is the best
infertility specialist in Gurgaon. She is the most exceptional specialist in treating all kind of infertility
problems in men and women thereby offering the best infertility treatment in Gurgaon.


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