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Breast feeding tips for new mothers

 If you want to know all about breastfeeding properly, below are the best breastfeeding tips for new mothers from Dr. Parul Jain. She also offers the top infertility treatment in Gurgaon

Avoid scrubbing your nipples

Avoid using a loofah or scrub brush on the nipples for toughening them up. It is useless. This will only make your nipples sore and chapped and worsen them.

Have patience while your milk arrives

During your pregnancy, the body begins to produce colostrum. It is a rich, pre-milk, syrupy, nutrient-rich liquid that the baby requires in its initial few days of life. Following 2-3 days or sometimes, 5-6 days, your body will begin to produce milk.

Your milk has an adequate supply

You cannot see the amount of milk the baby is receiving. It’s a problem in breastfeeding. So, you might worry about producing inadequate milk when you find your baby almost always hungry. your breast-milk has sufficient supply. The quantity of milk you can pump is not at all associated with the quantity your baby is receiving. As long as he/she is wetting at least 5-6 diapers every day, the supply is enough. 

Tend tender nipples

Nipples are already a sensitive site for most mothers. After 3 hours of uninterrupted nursing, your nipples might become very raw. It might also pain because of a bad latch. However, your breast milk itself can help. You may then rub purified lanolin on the nipples at the end of every nursing session for preventing them from getting chafed and too much dried up. The tannins present in tea can also heal cracks and blisters. So, use a teabag on your nipples as a brilliant warm compress. 

Stay hydrated

Producing milk requires plenty of water. You will need adequate water to help your body understand and regulate what it is precisely doing now. Always keep a good reusable water bottle with yourself. You can also tell your partner that you might need to wake him up on a few nights to fetch you some water. 

Work with inverted nipples

Several women have inverted or flat nipples, are told that they cannot perform breastfeeding properly. It might be more difficult initially but it is never impossible. Fitted covers for nipples known as nipple shields are available for assisting in stimulating your baby’s sucking reflex. Your breast tissue will gradually adjust and lift your inverted nipples. Consult us before using nipple shields for realizing the suitable time for weaning your baby from using the shields. 

Learn to embrace cluster feedings

You might worry a lot when your infant suddenly shifts from breastfeeding every few hours to that every couple of minutes. Cluster feedings are more about times of swift changes than with the milk supply. Growth spurts generally remain for 2-3 days and occur at the ages of 1 week, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and again at 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months. Moreover, when cluster feedings eventually end, your breastmilk supply will have risen.


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